Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 15th, Tuesday
Truman (knows 'sit' and 'wait,' working on 'down')

Halfway through April Story-a-Day

April 14th, Monday
The Usual.

April 13th, Sunday
New old man cardigan (still pantsless)

Gluten-free pancakes: surprising delicious


dana said...

what is up with this gluten free thing? are you slowly eliminating all food from your life?

becky said...

yeah i know.
for the past year i've often felt like i've had inexplicable, mild food poisoning, and my doctor suggested celiac disease, so i decided to give up wheat for two weeks to see if that helps.
so far, it's not only helped my digestive issues, but mostly eliminated my vertigo, foggy-headedness, fatigue and weird vision problems.
unfortunately, it also makes feeding myself reallllly hard, so i might actually have to learn to cook :/
but i guess there's also a chance my lactardation is due to the wheat intolerance, so i might get to try eating cheese again!