Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 16th, Thursday
I will know it is time to leave Portland when I stop getting excited/start getting impatient when traffic stops for a bridge raising (nowhere near there yet)

October 15th, Wednesday
I heart band practice. And dog notebooks.

This is me. Only there is no eyebrowless Whoopi Goldberg to come save me.

October 14th, Tuesday
Baby Luke!

It took a long time for Sophie to be un-shy enough to let me take her picture. I'm very proud of our progress.

Yum. Sort of.

October 13th, Monday
When my boss is out of town my life looks a lot more like this:

Dunkin! Despite the impression given by this picture, he is enormous. But very sweet.

October 12th, Sunday
Yay lazy sunday. Yay tv.

1 comment:

Maxquinn said...

Assuming there is at most one bridge-raise-worthy boat per day, my trip got messed up by that same damn boat. Small world!