Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10th, Monday
(Ok. Well. It's been a long, long week.)

May 9th, Sunday


Mr. Took

Garden update

This took forever and was extremely delicious.

Sunny's been spending a lot of time lounging around the backyard all Virgin Suicides-like.

I finally made Michelle watch "Hello, Dolly!" and we found our 1890 male counterparts.

This musical was more amazing than I could've ever imagined. 1:47 is a really good example of why.

May 8th, Saturday
Dog watching at the park

I like this weird picture of Sunny's face and M's butt.

Everything is progressing so well!

Sky's on fire.

May 7th, Friday
They replaced my bluetooth friend with a whitetooth friend that's all smooth like everyone's faces in that one episode of "Dr. Who." Which, incidentally, is the only episode of "Dr. Who" M and I have each ever seen.
(Don't you love when I take weird gross pictures of my mouth)

May 6th, Thursday
Have I mentioned my new duvet yet?

May 5th, Wednesday
Or my new juice glasses?

May 4th, Tuesday
Today I got a migraine in between my two jobs and had to park my car and lie down in the front seat for a long time because I couldn't see. But at least if that had to happen, when I could see, it looked like this:

Then this happened.

Have I mentioned I love my jobs?

Because they are pretty awesome.

May 3rd, Monday
I finally read "Breakfast of Champions." It wasn't my most favorite, but it was a good reminder of why I love Kurt Vonnegut.

May 2nd, Sunday
There was this really cool plant at Genie's that reminded me of the YupYupYupYupYup aliens on Sesame Street.


May 1st, Saturday
The radishes are up!

Emily's phone :( :( :( Fortunately not Emily's face.

Then M and I went to see a really, really, really amazing show featuring Jared Mees and the Grown Children:


Point Juncture, Wa:

And Typhoon:

Again for good measure:

It kind of changed my life.

April 30th, Friday
I wore my Tank Girl shirt to the gym in honor of all of the Reed Seniors. Also in honor of how much I love wearing my Tank Girl shirt to the gym.

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