Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th, Friday
I don't have to buy clothes for two more years!


Oh Apple. I love you so, but you sometimes do me wrong. (At least this one made it four years...)

Also, today my sister sold this painting for a whole bunch of money! Holla!

see more of her work here

September 18th, Thursday
Went to the movies with my Mama

Then made cookies!

September 17th, Wednesday
My daily flossing is paying off! (This picture actually looks kind of like me right now, too. Only I have freckles.)

Mary Anne taught me to tailor men's shirts. Tyra taught me to pose in them.


Anonymous said...

I am wildly jealous of that shirt; is it hard to tailor?

becky said...

it was really easy. basically you put it on inside out, pin how far you want to take it in, and then sew from the armpit out down the arms and down the sides. then you measure how much more you want it taken in and make some darts (which is a little trickier, but still pretty simple, and i bet the internet has some demos about it, since its kinda harder to explain). then just hem it if you want it shorter. and huzzah!