Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27th, Sunday
Instrument party. Holla.

I found this picture of my closet (yes, a picture of my closet) when I was 16. It's amazing on its own, but I realized that it also contains a picture of my plant when it was a baby(!).

This is how big it is now:
I think it likes the wall color better nowadays.

September 26th, Saturday
Sewing curtains



Then Michelle insisted I give her bangs

It went better than either of us expected

September 25th, Friday
I have been to Ikea more times than is healthy, but I'm not quite as crazybrained from it as the worker who attached this flower hat to this dog stuffed animal with the tag gun:

Dog costume on dog toy

One time Deb and I were somewhere and some lady was talking about how at least she wasn't as crazy as those people who color coordinate their closets and Deb and I had to try really hard not to laugh. Whatever, her closet can suck it.
Also, this is the second closet picture in this post.

New shelves

The Hello-Kitties-dressed-as-other-animals have their own shelf again:

September 23rd, Wednesday

September 21st, Monday
As a very delayed reaction, this is how much hair I have now:

Bikey fronds

Emo and I saw a french bulldog with a wheelie butt at the store!

A french bulldog with a wheelie butt!! It was like god parted the clouds to personally tell us that he liked our shoes and ask us if he could get us a soda or something while we were waiting.

Then Michelle and I went to see these troublemakers and it was craaaazytown. But amazing
Also, "well happy fucking congratulations" is my new favorite phrase.

September 20th, Sunday
The cloud shelf

September 19th, Saturday
Little boxes

By the bedside

September 18th, Friday
Oh my jesus I don't want to paint walls or doors ever again.

September 16th, Wednesday
Screenprinting for Laura's bday

Kinda wonky :/

September 15th, Tuesday
Michelle and I made the basement into a living room. We forgot to take a before picture, but the change was dramatic.

September 14th, Monday
Hanging crap.

Being boring.

1 comment:

Ali B said...

OMG. Your hair is beyond perfect.