Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3rd, Wednesday
Old news, but my yearly tiny Trader Joe's spring flower rules:

My life just got 15% more awesome.

February 2nd, Tuesday
New curtains: my room just got 10% less janky. And now Thom Yorke can lurk in the woods.
(also Max sat in on the sewing and actually sewed the left panel!)

February 1st, Monday
Cutting patterns

I sewed darts in some ill-fitting shirts and Max took this after picture. He was really amused because of the face I am making in it. It was like he'd never seen a picture of me before.

January 31st, Sunday
On our way back from the fabric store, Michelle and I met up with a herd (7? 8?) of Great Pyrenees puppies and their parents. It was more amazing than I can describe. One puppy rolled down a hill for FUN. I almost died. And failed to take any pictures because a puppy was gnawing on my hand with its milkteeth.

Fabric for a new bag

January 30th, Saturday
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens

Monika visited and I failed to take any pictures of her pretty face. Instead I took a picture of this bizarro installation outside of the Lloyd Center. I think it was supposed to make us want to shop more but instead it freaked us out.
What does is meeeeean?

January 29th, Friday
This is becoming a trend in my life?

January 28th, Thursday


January 27th, Wednesday
Bella is so amazing because her face looks like Kurt Vonnegut and her ears feel like the tender center pieces of a delicious artichoke and she walks like she's always in a marching band.

Olive is amazing because she's Olive

They did this for at least an hour every night I stayed with them:
(Sometimes it got a little obscene and had to be broken up)

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